Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Five (5) Things You May Not Know About Salvador – States Dehouche

Positioned enviably close to the equator, with some of Brazil’s most beautiful beaches and a fascinating history there are many reasons to visit Salvador da Bahia, say luxury Brazilian travel experts Dehouchewho tailor vacations and honeymoons in Brazil. Though Salvador receives the second highest number of foreign visitors after Rio, it doesn’t have anything like the high profile Rio has abroad. If Rio is Brazil for you, Salvador represents an altogether different reality say Dehouche. Some facts you may find surprising

1) Salvador was one of the first cities to be established in Brazil and was the country’s capital until it was succeeded by Rio de Janeiro in 1763. Today it is the third most populous city in Brazil after São Paulo and Rio.

2) Situated on a near triangular peninsula that protects the bay of all saints from the Atlantic Ocean, Salvador can be separated into the ‘cidade baixa’ (lower town) of the port and the ‘cidade alta’ (upper town) Salvador’s historical centre, which includes the today UNESCO protected Pelourinho. The two areas have been connected by the Elevador Lacerda since 1873, an art deco construction, which has become a symbol of the city. Not only does the elevator make navigating the city much simpler, it also affords stunning views of the marina.

3) Rio’s carnival may be the most famous internationally, but Salvador’s carnival is gaining increased exposure and Rio residents Dehouche must concede that today it is actually bigger than Rio’s. Baianos certainly know how to throw a party and whenever you choose to visit, Salvador’s streets seem to be enjoying some kind of colourful celebration; from the Festa do Bonfim to the Festa de Yemanjá, the massive convergence of cultures and traditions here means there’s always an excuse for costume and revelry.

4) Salvador is credited as being the birthplace of modern forms of Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian dance come martial art which was originally banned amongst African slaves. Capoeira withstood the prohibition and in the former half of this century masters like Bimba and Pastinha founded Capoeira schools in Salvador which helped to standardise and popularise Capoeira not only throughout Brazil, but all over the world. If you’re curious to learn more, Dehouche can arrange a visit to one of these schools, where regular performances are still held.

5) Salvador is gaining increasing recognition as a world arts centre, receiving exhibitions that bypass even Rio. Towards the end of 2009 the Musée Rodin Brasil opened in Salvador and ‘Le Penseur’ himself made the journey across the Atlantic in honour of the occasion. Not only that, but he loved Salvador so much he decided to stay for a full three years.

Let Dehouche arrange your luxury boutique hotel and enjoy a whole host of insider tips on where to truly escape from it all on your honeymoon.

Dehouche S.A.,
Rio de Janeiro ,

Dehouche Travel, Dehouche, Argentina Honeymoon, Brazil Honeymoon, Honeymoon in South America, Honeymoon in Argentina, Honeymoon in Brazil, IndSEO, Dehouche – Art of Travel, Brazil Honeymoon

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